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Daisy Guevara

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Daisy Guevara


Current Year: 
Hello! I’m Daisy Guevara, technically a Sophomore at Santa Rosa Junior College. However, I extended my enrollment into various semesters earning a Certificate in Legal Office Support and an Associate’s degree in Administrative Office Professional.

Currently, I am majoring in Business Administration with a Concentration in Management. I align well with the characteristics and objectives in Management making it a highly achievable career.

What I love about Sonoma State University?
What I love about Sonoma State University is the feeling I had when I was first admitted for transfer, even before my other two CSU options considered me. Now, with the opportunity to intern at the Advancement Office, I am filled with excitement for the future I could have here as a Seawolf.

I enjoy coffee, learning new things, all forms of art, listening to music, and attending events.